Green Light Charity Foundation

Raising educated and healthy children who are happy

and hopeful.

  • To raise educated children who are healthy, happy, and hopeful.
Our Goal
  • Calling and assignment is simple: to keep every child in school and help them become more healthy, happy and hopeful


  • We are a child rescue team comprising of men, women, friends, volunteers, partners, trainers and skilled professionals.
  • We are willing to go the extra mile to ensure that every child is happy and hopeful, and has the opportunity to receive education, access health care, meet their basic needs, and ultimately escape from the vicious cycle of poverty.
  • We are advocates for children’s rights to good health and education. We champion those rights and take the lead in ensuring those rights are fulfilled, preserved and protected.

We are championing children's rights

  • We have been entrusted with the calling and privilege to preserve, promote, defend and champion children’s rights.
  • We try to do everything we can to ensure that children receive good quality education. We are custodians of children’s education and health.


  • Our assignment is rested upon four pillars or components – and these pillars at the center of all our work.
  • We believe that children are happier and more hopeful when they are healthy and in school. We also believe that they can only be healthy and stay in school if they are happy and hopeful.
  • This core belief underpines all the work we do. We make all efforts to ensure that children are happy, healthy, hopeful and in school.




  • We confront the challenges that keep children out of school and prevent them from being happy, healthy and hopeful.
    These include poverty, health and education, among others.

School & community outreach

We reach out to children in schools and disadvantaged communities. We do this through partnership with schools, local leaders, and churches.

Events & Discussions

We hold events, discussions and talks about issues affecting children’s education, health and happiness.

Training & mentoring

We train and mentor children on aspects that will improve their health and well-being, renew their hope, help them stay in school or otherwise improve their happiness.

Emergency response

Emergency response

We respond to emergencies surrounding children’s education, health , safety and try to help children stay out of danger.

Physical assistance

We provide physical and other forms of assistance to children whose education and emotional or physical health has been affected by poverty.

Physical assistance

Capacity building

Capacity building

We engage children, mothers and communities in activities that will help to boost their education, health, well-being, and happiness.

Knowledge sharing

We publish and disseminate information and research to keep you informed on some of the latest issues and current affairs affecting or threatening to affect the health, education and general wellbeing of children. We do this through articles, newsletters, email, and other fora.

Infrastructure & resources

We facilitate children to access resources & infrastructure that they need to improve their education, health and well being. Such resources include books and other sources of information, water and sanitation facilities, among others


We inspire families & communities to develop innovative ways to raise funds in order to take children to school, meet their medical and basic needs as well as respond to emergencies surrounding the health and education of children. Among other things, we inculcate in them a culture of saving for the future