No effort is too small. Here are some ways you can help to keep a child happy, healthy and hopeful.

Give a donation

Your donations help us meet the educational and health needs of children.
By donating, you are helping to bring education and basic needs within the reach of children whose dreams would have otherwise been suffocated. Many of the children we deal with are from poverty stricken families. Some are unable to attend school despite being of school-going age.

Volunteer with us

Become part of the men and women who are helping to keep children in school. Among other things, our volunteers help to Raise awareness on various issues that keep children out school Bring skills to children and mothers by sharing their knowledge Be a parent figure to children Listen to children and be that person they can trust, run to, open up & talk to about challenges they may be facing such as trauma or depression Talk to & offer support and encouragement to children in order to help them stay in school Respond to emergencies that are keeping children out of school Restore, nurture and build into children the values of giving and generosity, empathy, forgiveness, gratitude, appreciation, self-determination, self-esteem and confidence, patience, persistence, perseverance, honesty (in spite of poverty) and being positive. Find out how one woman’s voluntary act of kindness helped save the life of an HIV positive child.

How our volunteers help to make a difference

We utilize the help of volunteers to Reach out and Deliver emergence relief to children and their families To mentor children Develop training materials and visual aids in accordance with the core objective of the organizations Conduct training sessions To manage and update our website and social media Mobilize funds to sustain our activities Mobilize children and communities Coordinate activities in different regions, schools and communities To write progress reports and provide timely feedback on the organization’s activities to inform future planning. To gather and document information, through interviews or otherwise, on some issues that are keeping children out of school and how the organization is attempting to address them. To write and publish, on the organization’s website and on external blogs and social media, articles that are aimed at bringing to the light, sounding an alarm and calling for action on the emerging issues that are threatening or otherwise keeping children out of school to spread the word about the organization and its cause with their family and friends on social media in order to rally support for the organization’s cause.

Share your story & let us celebrate you

Did you ever struggle with anything growing as a child? Are there people who helped you along the way and helped you become the person you are today? Inspire and offer hope and encouragement to a child battling with poverty or health by sharing your own story. Upon your consent, your story will be shared with the children without revealing your identity. We might also publish your story on our website. You can also share some of the things you or your community are doing to keep children happy, health and hopeful, including the toil you have had to go through to keep them happy and healthy. What are you doing to keep children happy, healthy, hopeful and in school? Do you wake up every morning to go to work? Have you started up a business? Do you talk to and encourage your children as well as those in your community?

Sponsor a child's education or give them a bursary

Do you own or operate a school? You can give hope to a child, keep them in school and make them happy by giving them a bursary. As an institution or individual, you can also choose to sponsor the education of a child.

Primary & Secondary schools

Become part of the schools that are benefitting from our health and education programs. Partner with us to offer free or subsidized education to children from less advantaged families. Get listed among our partner schools.

Clinics, hospitals & Health professionals

Help us keep a child in school by keeping them healthy through offering free or subsidized medical advice, checkups and treatment for our sick children in the areas of your expertise. Help us extend children’s learning beyond formal class by providing basic health education to children in the areas of primary health care, menstrual hygiene, sanitation, nutrition, among other things. Use your professional experience to become a counsellor for children affected by poverty. We will link you with these children so you can talk to them, either collectively or as an individual.

Events & Celebrations

Attend and participate in events that are directly or indirectly aimed at keeping a child in school. This includes fundraisers, campaigns, sensitization workshops. Participate in events aimed at celebrating men & women who have played a big role in keeping children in school. These include Father’s day, mothers day, heroes day, among other things.

Join Our Team

From time to time, we tend to look to expand our team given the enormous nature of our work. Become part of the team and help us make a difference.