Focus areas

We are able to keep children in school – as well as help them to stay happy, health and hopeful by focusing our efforts and concentration on the following aspects.

Climate Change

  • We are deeply committed to addressing the intersection of climate change and health. A key part of our strategy is empowering community members to take active roles in addressing climate, health challenges. how changes in climate patterns contribute to the spread of diseases, impact on food security, nutrition, and affect mental health in both children and adults.

Basic Health Education

  • Children get to learn how to take care of their life.

Menstrual Health Education

  • For both girls and boys. We teach girls about their bodies & let them learn how to make and use reusable sanitary pads.

HIV Support

  • We are able to keep children affected by HIV/AIDs happy and healthy by supporting them and their families.
Poverty Eradication
  • Through skills development.
Positive Thinking and motivation
  • Aimed at grooming children who have a positive outlook on life despite the challenges they may be facing, such as poverty and lack of access to basic needs

Education assistance
  • The goal is to ensure that children have scholastic materials and other educational needs, such as uniforms and shoes

Entrepreneurship & skills development

  • We are keeping children happy by helping to boost the incomes of their mothers. By boosting their income, mothers are able to meet the basic needs of their children, as well as meet their educational and health needs.

Career Guidance

Empowers children to make the right life and career choices

Talent development

We empower children to explore their talents, starting basic things like learning to draw and paint.


Nutrition. We empower families to overcome hunger and to improve the nutrition of children by engaging families and communities in agriculture and other activities that will help to improve access to good quality food.